Friday, March 26, 2010

March 26th

Worst day of my life.. I think so. I have so many, they just keep getting worse and worse. I was at school and wrote my oceans test.. 3 hours of studying did not cut it. Fuck, I hate that class so much. I finally got something in Canadian History though, I missed the last two 10 point assignments. I've been cranky at everyone lately. & I got a drive home with BJ. I'm not doing anything tonight, of course.. because its freaking disgusting outside. Mom got home and I asked to take the car to get dye so I would be all of 5 minutes and she wouldn't let me have it.. she never does. MY GOD she pisses me off so much its ridiculous. Like she just walks in the room & my good mood is gone. Everyday. As soon as she opens her mouth, there's always something.

Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22nd, 2010

Since today is almost over, I decided since it's my first time on here I'll write something:) Today was the first day back from March Break! It wasn't exactly easy to wake up this morning.. After being so used to sleeping in until 12. I went to school, and almost died of jokes!

It was a very long day but I guess so are the rest of them:) I went home and played mario<3 Until Chris called & went up in my room and talked to him for awhile:) Once he left because he had floor hockey I laid in bed, and went on chat roulette but it was being wierd and wouldn't let me talk to people because it was being really slow. I was talking to Shalese for awhile! I was just on the computer after that looking for shoes for prom and then went for a coffee with Alisa at around 10. It was really good but not I'm not so tired and I have to be up at 7:30 again for school.
Should be interesting... I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow:) Goodnight!!